Monday, June 8, 2015

The First Book

As planned, I opened up my bag of books and plucked one out at random.  I will be working through 回転(かいてん)ずし、conveyor belt sushi。Which many American's have experienced at some point, I know there's several varieties near me.  The author is, I think, Shibata Katsumo(芝田 勝茂).

I did a quick flip through of the book to gauge the difficulty of the reading.  There are about 131 pages of text, with a few single page pictures spread throughout.  Generally, 9-11 sentences per page.  This would probably be a good book from someone in 2nd, or possibly 3rd, grade (moving on up!).  I'll start reading it today and find some good content to discuss later on.  Well then, let's start leveling up!


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